
Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Mullet, Two Bushy White Eyebrows and Susie Q

Every now and again, there's that almost perfect day.  The sun was shining, zero guests complaints (in fact guests were complimentary and cracking jokes all day long).  I was in the ideal flow, dancing from table to table as if it were a performance on Broadway.   I waited on a colorful array of personalities and styles including a Canadian lady with the one of the best mullets I'd seen in a while - a one-inch high buzz cut from her forehead to about two inches back, combined with a long braid starting at the nape of her neck to below her belt.  Awesome.  Then there was an an older gentleman with some of the thickest and longest white eyebrows I'd ever seen, sitting atop his eyes like hairy sun visors, bouncing around wildly as he talked.  I'll be honest, it was hard not to stare at his out-of-control brows as I told him the specials.  One of my last tables was a jolly lady from Texas.  She told me right away her name was Susan Quinn, but to call her Susie Q.  Then of course she proceeded to tell me that she "didn't think" the song was named after her, but she couldn't be sure!  Ha!  She kept clapping and saying "Yay!" everytime I brought her another glass of wine.  I wish every guest would clap and get that excited over a new glass of wine.  She enjoyed the Pinot Noir I recommended so much that she bought a bottle to take with her to her hotel room, and tipped me twenty percent, even on the bottle.  What a perfect way to end my almost perfect day... "almost" because, after all, I did have to work today.

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