
Saturday, June 7, 2014

Best Quote Ever! (…well, for a server anyway)

I couldn’t tell you about any other table I had that day.  But I can tell you one thing: The words of this memorable woman will forever be burned into my brain.

When I heard what she said, not only did my jaw drop, I wanted to give her a kiss, clap loudly and yell out to the entire restaurant.  “Ding! Ding! Ding!  We have a winner folks!  The best diner-of-the-year award goes to this woman!”    

Okay I might be exaggerating slightly.   However, at the very least I wanted to give that woman a solid pat on the back.  I think my actual words were, “Oh my god, I love you,” under my breath. 

Her table started with two people, then it grew to four, then five and then to six.  My server assistant and I eventually had to add an extra table and place settings, etc... the whole nine yards.  They were ordering their appetizers and food at different times; some were drinking heavily and others not at all.  It was a very unorganized group, the kind that usually gets under our skin.  And it would have if it weren’t for my new favorite lady of the hour.

When it was time to print the check, I rolled my eyes and thought to myself, “This is definitely going to be a ridiculously annoying separate check situation.”  Right when I dropped the check, the frantic ladies began to reach for their wallets.  Dear god…here it comes…

But then, like the sound of angel playing the harp at the end of a rainbow, the quote that will never be forgotten played like music to my ears, “I got this,” she said.   “Ladies, please put your purses away.  My husband and I have stopped hanging out with couples because of separate checks.  Please.  Here you go miss,” and handed me her credit card. 

Say what?!?  Un-friended friends over separate checks?!?  Is this lady for real?  I really do love this woman.

Granted the day wasn’t even that busy.  Nor would it have really mattered that much if I had to split the check six ways.  Splitting checks is annoying and time consuming, but absolutely a part of our crazy industry.   It was just the way she said it; so bold and not taking “No” for an answer.  And the fact that she had apparently parted ways with some friends over it was hilarious!  And admitting it was quite impressive (from a servers point of view of course).  Those friends she’d parted ways with, however, might have a different opinion.

I’ve written many posts that were much more profound than this one, I’ll admit.  But lately there haven’t been a lot of noteworthy people to write about.  And as I started to write this post, I realized this lady stood out much more than any of the other negative people I could have written about. 

And I wanted to stay as positive as I could. 

In addition, being that Serving Humanity started out as an informative medium about the service industry, it’s in my best interest to share how much we appreciate one check tables for large parties. 

We practically do want to give an award for people who step up and pay the check for everyone.  Splitting checks really is that much of a pain.  

But if you knew you could be that memorable and make someone’s day, wouldn’t you do the same? 

And for all of you out there who do what this woman did, we thank you from the bottom of our little serving hearts.  
~ HK ~

1 comment:

  1. Just realized I could comment. Your stories are amazing and so well written, im enjoying them so much!!! Separate checks uuuggg the worst. This lady was class at its best! 🙌🏼 (Heather H.)
