Sometimes a day goes by that you thought was going to go one way, then it ends up the complete opposite.
I was expecting yesterday to be extremely hectic, being the kick off Saturday of Memorial Day weekend. But it was surprisingly mellow. And practically everyone I waited on was really fun. They were in a good mood, happy to be in sunny San Diego (some having survived the 7 hour drive through LA the day before), restaurant hopping and snacking their way through the day. I actually had the time to get to know my clients because I wasn't running like a chicken with my head cut off around a full section of nine tables. I thought to myself, "If everyday could be like this, it would be the perfect job." I was able to provide stellar service, so I was continuously receiving 20% tips all day long. Even though it was slow, I still walked with a large wad of cash in my wallet.
And that's how it should be everyday. When the clients are in a playful mood, when all of the servers are smiling and cracking joking, when the kitchen staff is upbeat and the management is perky and willing to help in any way possible, it's makes for a truly remarkable day.
I have a feeling today is going to be much, much different. It is Sunday ... and so I'm expecting people from hell and a full section of high maintenance weirdos, who's timing is all off and who don't smile back at me at all.
But I'm hoping today will end up the exact opposite.
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